Monday, December 31, 2018

Two more mysteries solved

For years I have been trying to find out two things about my grandfather, Eddie Murphy.  One is where he went to high school and the other was how he met my grandmother. Both facts have been quite elusive.  My mother had told me that Grandpa had gone to Manual High School.  However, no records of him attending have ever been found.  So then I thought maybe he had gone to the Catholic high school.  Again, no records found. Dead end.

A few days ago my sister and I met with two first cousins who we haven't seen for quite some time.  Both live out of town from us. 

As we discussed various things, one cousin began to tell us the story that he has always heard about how our grandparents met!  And the story began with Grandpa attending high school...for one day!  He got into a fight and was kicked out of school.  So he didn't tell his parents, and just left home each day as if he were headed to school.  After a few days, he noticed a sign at the local newspaper looking for a copy boy.  He went in and got the job, but was told that he needed to dress up each day in shirt and tie.  He headed to Szolds (a local department store) and a lovely young girl sold him a suit, shirt and tie.  And she was to become my grandmother!

And just like that, my questions were answered!  Incidentally, Grandpa retired from that newspaper after forty-eight years working there.  By the time he retired, he was the political editor for the paper.  Pretty good for a kid with an eighth grade education!

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